Seventeenth century in Europe


Ouline of 17h century Europe: Spain, United Provinces, France and England
Ana Vicenti
Mind Map by Ana Vicenti, updated more than 1 year ago
Ana Vicenti
Created by Ana Vicenti over 8 years ago
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Resource summary

Seventeenth century in Europe
  1. Decline of Spanish Monarchy
    1. The late Habsburgs delegaed their authority in their "validos"
      1. Duke of Lerma: Philip III's valido. Peace policy in order to recover the crown's finances
        1. COunt-Duke of Olivares: Philip IV's valido: involved Spain again in wars, provoked the reaction of Portugal and Catalonia with the Unión de Armas, failiure in his financial reforms
          1. 1609: expel of the moriscos
            1. Revolts in Portugal and Catalonia: Portugal would end up becoming independent in 1668.
          2. Economic crisis
            1. Decrease in agricultural and livestock production
              1. Less demand=fall in crafts prduction
                1. Decrease in trade with the Americas because of the interference of English and Dutch piracy
                2. Charles II died without children
                  1. Died in 1700 naming Philip of Boubon his heir
                    1. Spanish War of Succession (1700-1713)
                  2. End of Spanish hegemony
                    1. 1609: 12 years' Truce with the United Provinces (Holland)
                      1. 1621: Spain intervenes in the Thirty Years' War (1618-48) against German Protestant Princes
                        1. France ended up involved in the war
                          1. 1659: Peace of the Pyrenees. Spain ceded several European territories to France
                            1. Spain lost its position as a main European power
                          2. 1648: Peace of Westphalia: Spain recognized the independence of the United Provinces
                    2. Absolutism in France
                      1. Absolutism defended the right of kings to hold the 3 powers because God had chosed them to exercise unlimited power
                        1. Louis XIV, The Sun king (1643-1715)
                          1. His ministers had to ask for his approval on any decission
                            1. Controlled the nobles in the court
                              1. Promoted political centralisation
                                1. Imposed religious unity
                                  1. Consolidated France's hegemony by fighting and allying with Spain and conquering territories in Quebec
                                    1. Economic reforms
                                      1. Royal factories
                                        1. Trading companies
                                          1. Custom duties+regulations
                                      2. The Dutch republic
                                        1. Independent in 1648
                                          1. Great economic power due to their trade
                                            1. Important trading companies
                                              1. Worked as intermediaries
                                              2. Parliamentary republic
                                                1. Important bourgeoisie
                                                  1. Took control of the Parliaments
                                                    1. 7 provinces= 7 parliaments
                                                      1. States General: representatives of each province met to take important decisions
                                                2. England
                                                  1. Beginning of 17th century: the Stuarts attempted to govern GB+Ireland as absolute monarchs
                                                    1. Revolution in 1642
                                                      1. Civil War in 1642 that ended with the Stuart dynasty
                                                        1. Charles I was executed
                                                          1. Dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell, leader of the Parliament
                                                            1. Restoration of monarchy after Cromwell's death in 1660
                                                              1. 1688: Glorious Revolution
                                                                1. Deposition of king James II
                                                                  1. Approval of the Bill of Rights
                                                                    1. restricted the king's power
                                                                      1. set out rights of the Parliament
                                                                        1. Foundations of the separation of powers
                                                            2. They wanted to impose Catholic views over Scottish calvinists and anglican English population
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