Les oracions;segons l'actitud del parlant poden ser:


Mind Map on Les oracions;segons l'actitud del parlant poden ser:, created by Jaime March Ventura on 21/09/2016.
Jaime March Ventura
Mind Map by Jaime March Ventura, updated more than 1 year ago
Jaime March Ventura
Created by Jaime March Ventura over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Les oracions;segons l'actitud del parlant poden ser:
  1. Enunciatives
    1. Expresen una idea
    2. Interrogatives
      1. Directa
        1. Com esteu?
        2. Indirecta
          1. Joan vol saber cuantes persones compraran el llibre
        3. Exclamatives
          1. Expresen emocions
          2. Imperatives
            1. Es donen ordes
            2. Desideratives
              1. Expressen desijtos
              2. Dubitatives
                1. Expressen dubtes
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