The Global Marketplace


Diana Chincoya
Mind Map by Diana Chincoya, updated more than 1 year ago
Diana Chincoya
Created by Diana Chincoya over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Global Marketplace
  1. Global Marketing Today
    1. The world is shrinking rapidly with the advent of faster communication, transportation, and financial flows. Products developed in one country have found enthusiastic acceptance in other countries
    2. Looking at the Global Marketing Environment
      1. The International Trade System
        1. The World Trade Organization and GATT
          1. Regional Free Trade Zones
          2. Economic Environment
            1. Political-Legal Environment
              1. Cultural Environment
                1. Impact of Culture on Marketing Strategy
                  1. Impact of Marketing Strategy on Cultures
                2. Deciding Whether to Go Global
                  1. Deciding Which Markets to Enter
                    1. Deciding How to Enter the Market
                      1. Exporting
                        1. Joint Venture
                          1. Licensing Licensing
                            1. Contract Manufacturing
                              1. Management Contracting
                                1. Joint Ownership
                                2. Direct Investment
                                3. Deciding on the Global Marketing Program
                                  1. Product
                                    1. Straight Product extension
                                      1. Product adaptation
                                        1. Product Invenson
                                        2. Promotion
                                          1. Distribution Channels
                                          2. Deciding on the Global Marketing Organization
                                            1. Price
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