MEST:The devices are connected
with many redundant
interconnections between
network nodes.
STAR: Devices are connected to a central
computer,called a hub. The main
disagvantage is that the hub represents a
single point of failure.
BUS: A bus is the central cable that connects
all the devices on a local-area network. The
bus can only transmit data in one direction,
and if any network segments is not working,
all network transmission ceases.
RING: All of the nodes are connected in a closed
loop. Message travel around the ring.If the ring
breaks at a particular link then the transmission can
be sent via the reserve path thereby ensuring that
all nodes are connected in casa of a single failured.
TREE: groups of star-configured
networks are connected to a linear bus
backbone cable.
HYBRID: Combine 2 or more topoliesin
such a way that the resulting network
does not exhibit one of the standard
LINE: In this system,data is sent to all nodes on
the network at the same time. If the bus breaks at
a linksome nodes will result out of the network.