

The following mind map contains a series of concepts related to learning vocabulary. It refers to how to remember items, why we forget them and what difficulties may arise when learning words
Alejandra Lopez
Mind Map by Alejandra Lopez , updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Madeleine Graace
Created by Madeleine Graace over 9 years ago
Alejandra Lopez
Copied by Alejandra Lopez about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. How to remember?
    1. Short-term memory
      1. limited information
        1. holds up to few seconds
        2. Working memory
          1. up to 20 seconds
            1. information
              1. placed
                1. studied
                  1. moved
                2. from external sources
                  1. from long-term memory
                  2. Articulatory loop
                    1. subvocal repetition
                      1. refreshes short-term memory
                      2. mental sketch pads
                      3. Long-term memory
                        1. permanent items
                          1. pacing
                            1. learning style
                              1. individual work
                              2. repetition
                                1. use of loop
                                  1. encountering
                                  2. retrieval practice effect
                                    1. enables recalling
                                    2. spacing
                                      1. distributed practice
                                        1. chunks of items
                                      2. use
                                        1. use it or lose it
                                          1. meaningful practice
                                          2. cognitive depth
                                            1. decisions how to first clasify a word
                                            2. personal organising
                                              1. personal judgements
                                              2. Mnemonics
                                                1. Imaging
                                                  1. self generated mental image
                                                  2. motivation
                                                    1. intrinsec
                                                    2. attention/arousal
                                                      1. conscious
                                                      2. affective depth
                                                        1. emotional charge
                                                  3. why do we forget?
                                                    1. overload
                                                      1. big amount of subsequent learning
                                                        1. many words with similar meaning
                                                        2. insufficient
                                                          1. recycling
                                                            1. re-encounter
                                                        3. why are some words difficult?
                                                          1. Pronunciation
                                                            1. Spelling
                                                              1. Length-complexity
                                                                1. Serendi..what?
                                                                2. Grammar
                                                                  1. collocations?
                                                                    1. order in a sentence
                                                                    2. Meaning
                                                                      1. make? do?
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