

Jonathan Berdejo
Mind Map by Jonathan Berdejo, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan Berdejo
Created by Jonathan Berdejo about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. A Ring network is a local area network in which the nodes are connected in a doses loop configuration
    1. In this configuration nodes connects to a retitred network device as a server
      1. A bus network is an arragement in a local area network in which each node is connected to a main code or link
        1. Hybrid network topology is a combination of two more different basic network topologies
          1. Device connected by a wirlles connection
            1. Snowflake is a star network of star networks.
              1. hybrid
                1. Wi-Fi
                  1. SnowFlake
                    1. Ring
                      1. Star
                        1. Bus
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