software development


Mind Map on software development, created by cdavila264 on 19/03/2014.
Mind Map by cdavila264, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cdavila264 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

software development
  1. waterfall model
    1. parts
      1. requeriments
        1. design
          1. implementation
            1. verification
          2. Life cycle
            1. implement
              1. Art process startprograming the code
              2. TEST
                1. verify status
                2. DOC
                  1. information
                3. Activities
                  1. planned
                    1. extracting and analize requeriments
                      1. research
                      2. models
                        1. Spiral model
                          1. organize the information on cycles
                            1. code and fix
                              1. more presure software development
                              2. waterfall model
                                1. shows
                                  1. process
                              3. Structure techniques
                                1. agile development
                                  1. are used to define users
                                    1. batch proces
                                      1. test,coding,design and architecture
                                    2. rapid application development
                                      1. minimal plannig
                                    3. have
                                      1. purpases
                                        1. specific client
                                          1. personal use
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