
Esquema genral de la Edad Media
Mind Map by ALFONSO BOTAS, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ALFONSO BOTAS about 8 years ago

Resource summary

    1. 1. The Early Middle Ages. 8th to 11th centuries
      1. 476 A.D. (5th century): Germanic conquest of Rome. Fall of the Western Roman Empire
        1. Bird and spread of Islam
          1. Carolingian Empire
      2. 2. The High Middle Ages. 11th to 13th centuries
        1. Feudal system
          1. First Crusades
            1. Romanesque art
        2. 3. Late Middle Ages. 13th to 15thcenturies
          1. Development of trade
            1. Gothic art
              1. 1453: Fall of Constantinople. End of Byzantine Empire. Beginning of the Renaissance
        3. Political developments
          1. In Western Europe the monarch depended on the nobles (landowners with thier own armies)
            1. In the Late Middle Ages the monarch's power increased
              1. In Eastern Europe, the dominant Byzantine Empire went into decline when Islam appeared in 7th century
                1. The Muslim empire expanded into the Near Est, Noth Africa and the Iberian Peninsula
                  1. During the High Middle Ages, the Muslim world fragmented and began to decline. The Chistians began the Crusades
          2. Economic developments
            1. The Medieval economy is mainly agricultural and there was littke trade.
              1. Most of the population lived in rural areasand worked in subsistence agriculture
                1. At the end of Middle Ages, trade recovered and new areas of craft production and new trade routes were created
            2. Social developments
              1. Frequent invasions and sackings caused great insecurity: the peasants sought the protection of the most important noble (lord) and became serfs
                1. The lord was de highest political and judicial authority. Other lesser nobles became his vassals
                  1. This social structure is called a feudal society. It had become well-established by the High Meddle Ages
                    1. In the Late Middle Ages the urban population increased. The inhabitants of the cities were known as the bourgeoisie
              2. Cultural developments
                1. The peoples that had invaded Europe converted to Christianity
                  1. With the birth of Islam, religious beliefs began to have a profound effect on the thinking of followers
                    1. Most of the populatio was illiterate
                      1. Art was greatly influenced by religion. In High Middle Ages flourished the Romanesque style, and in the Late Middle Ages emerged the Gotic style
                        1. At the end of Middle Ages, the bourgeoisie became interested in classical antiquity, and this led to the Renaissance. This signified a change in people's way of thinking
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