Aristotle and the pursuit of happiness


bloque 1 informática Mind Map on Aristotle and the pursuit of happiness, created by Yun Gutiérrez on 06/10/2016.
Yun Gutiérrez
Mind Map by Yun Gutiérrez, updated more than 1 year ago
Yun Gutiérrez
Created by Yun Gutiérrez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Aristotle and the pursuit of happiness
  1. Famous greek philosopher
    1. He made many contributions on math, physics, politics, biology, botanic and economics.
      1. He was the 1st able to designa formal system of reasoning
        1. Aristotle was sonsider the father of logic
          1. He established the Lyceum (1st scientific institute; Athens, Greece.)
            1. He centered many of his work on virtue and morality
              1. He was Plato's student
                1. "Happiness depends on ourselves." .- Nicomachean Ethics
                  1. He says that happiness is a goal and a purpose in everyone’s life. He affirms happiness depends on cultivation of virtue, he meant that a happy life needed the fulfillment of many conditions. For Aristotle, happiness is a final end or goal that encompasses the totality of one's life. It is not something that can be gained or lost in a few hours, like pleasurable sensations.
                    1. He explained human happiness through this 4 different kind of things we found in nature
                      1. MINERAL
                        1. He thought that minerals were “stupid” and they had no soul.
                        2. VEGETATIVE
                          1. (plants and other wildlife) had a soul and they could actually reach a satisfaction point.
                          2. ANIMAL
                            1. were thought to had a higher level of life. There existed a part of pleasure and production at their life cycle to finally have a pleasant life.
                            2. HUMAN
                              1. Reason. We were considered different from the rest, we are capable to act with principles and morality, to take decisions and be responsible.
                              2. Complete virtue
                                1. Aristotle tells us that the most important factor in the effort to achieve happiness is to have a good moral character. One must act in accordance with virtue. Nor is it enough to have a few virtues; rather one must strive to possess all of them.
                          3. Golden Mean
                            1. “For Aristotle, friendship is one of the most important virtues in achieving the goal of happiness. While there are different kinds of friendship, the highest is one that is based on virtue.” It should be good, alike in virtues, it supersedes justice and honor, give time to each other, share friendship loves so it would be greater than this because it can be enjoyed as it is.
                            2. Friendship
                              1. The meaning is a mean between two vices, and not simply a balance between too much and too little. “Relative to ourselves” this stands for the perspective of every different person. “Similarly for the moral virtues.” Aristotle suggests that some people are born with weaker wills or strengths than others.
                              2. I do agree on some points he standed for. He said that happiness is a human purpose and it depends on ourselves, and I completely think that’s right. We as a person can’t look for happiness in people, places, things, moments or in life, but in US. Once we change our perspective of the way we see life (even if we are on a terrible situation) we will reach happiness. He said happiness could only be achieved until the end of one's life, and I think that it is just by the way you see it, depending on your situation you can face happiness at the end of your life or just at the middle of it.
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