Metals in the workshop


2º ESO TPR Basic techniques for working with metals
Mónica Garrido
Mind Map by Mónica Garrido, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mónica Garrido
Created by Mónica Garrido over 8 years ago
Mónica Garrido
Copied by Mónica Garrido over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Metals in the workshop
  1. Cutting
    1. sheet metal shears
      1. Hacksaw


        1. Manual
          1. Mechanical
            1. circular saw
              1. band saw
                1. jigsaw
                2. use a bench vice to clamp the piece
              2. Filing
                1. to reduce (give shape) or polish (give a smooth finish)
                  1. Tool: file
                    1. depending on the size of the grooving: coarse (to reduce) or fine (to polish)
                      1. according the type of section: flat, roun, halfround and triangular
                    2. Drilling
                      1. making cylindrical perforations
                        1. tool: drill
                          1. column drill
                            1. portable drill
                            2. different types of bits
                            3. Joints
                              1. dismountable joints
                                1. threaded elements
                                  1. nuts and bolts
                                    1. different kinds: hexagonal head, allen screw...
                                  2. non dismountable joints
                                    1. rivets
                                      1. join to plates or pieces of little thickness
                                        1. most widely used: tubular riveting
                                          1. metals, plastics and other materials
                                            1. tool: riveter
                                              1. manual
                                                1. pneumatic
                                                2. uses hollow rivets made up of aluminum or alloys
                                                3. the rivet is deformed so it doen't come off
                                                4. electrical welding
                                                  1. fussion of a metal rod between the pieces to be joined
                                                    1. Electricity is produced in the form of voltaic arc
                                                5. Turning
                                                  1. giving shape
                                                    1. machine: lathe
                                                      1. manual lathes
                                                        1. automated lathes CNC
                                                        2. make the piece turn while the cutting tool shaves away thin layers
                                                          1. also for non metalic materials
                                                            1. basic operations
                                                              1. rolling
                                                                1. facing
                                                                  1. creating cones
                                                                    1. drilling
                                                                      1. roscado
                                                                        1. boring
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