Data Types


Summary of Data Types in R progrmming
Alexandre Augusto Arduini Tavares
Mind Map by Alexandre Augusto Arduini Tavares, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexandre Augusto Arduini Tavares
Created by Alexandre Augusto Arduini Tavares over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Data Types
  1. Atomic Classes
    1. Numeric
      1. Logical
        1. Character
          1. Integer
            1. Complex
            2. Vector
              1. Same data Type
                1. Only one column
                2. Lists
                  1. Same name for two different variables
                    1. Possible to have different length for each element
                      1. Possible to have different type for each element
                      2. Factors
                        1. Categorical data
                          1. Ordered
                            1. Unordered data
                            2. Missing Values
                              1. NA's
                                1. NaN's
                                2. Data Frames
                                  1. Tabular data
                                    1. Each column can be of a different class
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