Unit 2. Bibliographic Management Applications (BMA)


Unit 2 mindmap. Feel free to post any comment, modify or complete the information according to the unit.
Roberto Rojas
Mind Map by Roberto Rojas, updated more than 1 year ago
Roberto Rojas
Created by Roberto Rojas over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 2. Bibliographic Management Applications (BMA)
  1. Useful tools
    1. Password management tools
      1. Lastpass (Web-based)
        1. Colossus (Desktop)
        2. Citation system
          1. Modern Languages Association (MLA)
            1. American Psychological Association (APA)
          2. Main elements of a BMA
            1. Importing new data (from database, e-journals, rss, isbn, RIS files...)
              1. Direct way (just a click)
                1. Indirect way (saving citation in a file): txt, xml, RIS format...
                  1. From the BMA by accessing library catalogues, RSS, etc.
                  2. Categorizing/Managing data (creating folders, adding tags, commenting entries, searching data, adding the text)
                    1. Generating bibliography (directly from the private database, using the embedded cites in a text document, etc.)
                      1. Using a word processor (integrated nowadays in word processors, although not as complete as specialized BMAs)
                      2. BMA typology
                        1. Classics (most need to be installed, all by Reuters)
                          1. EndNote (one of the best known)
                            1. ProCite (completely replaced by EndNote)
                              1. Reference Manager (highly professional interface)
                              2. Web-based (use hyperlinks)
                                1. EndNote web-based version
                                  1. Refworks
                                    1. Zotero (open source)
                                      1. Mendeley
                                      2. Social-networking based
                                        1. Cite U Like
                                          1. Similar purposes: Research Gate, Academia
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