Climate Changes


Climate Changes MindMap
Javier Martinez Lopera
Mind Map by Javier Martinez Lopera, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ramiro Couceiro
Created by Ramiro Couceiro over 9 years ago
Javier Martinez Lopera
Copied by Javier Martinez Lopera about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Climate Changes
  1. Greenhouse effect
    1. A fraction of the heat goes directly back into the space
      1. The rest is trapped in lower layers
      2. Caused by: Gases and water vapor
        1. Increase heating
          1. More water evaporation
            1. We produce other greenhouse gases
              1. Burning Fossil fuels
                1. Causes
                  1. 60% of warming
                2. Methane
                  1. Causes
                    1. 15% of warming
                    2. Generated by
                      1. Decomposing Garbage
                3. Average of temperature
                  1. Rise by 1 to 3.5 degrees in the next hundred years
                  2. Missing Carbon
                    1. Oceans serve as a vast "Sink" for Carbon Dioxide
                      1. Human activity release 7 billon metric tones of carbon
                        1. 3 Billon tons remain in Air
                          1. Reast taken by terrestrial and marine plants
                            1. Oceans remove at least 2 billon carbon each year
                              1. Image:
                              2. Image:
                        2. Anticipating the Future
                          1. Some events can change the climate
                            1. Collapse in the Atlantic "Conveyor Belt"
                              1. System that brings
                                1. Warm water norh from the Equator
                                  1. Keeping Europ several degrees warmer than normal
                                2. Conveyor Belt:
                              2. No one knows for certain whether such things will happen
                                1. Tim Barnett said:
                                  1. "The next 10 years will tell"
                                    1. "We are going to have to wait that long to really see"
                                2. What drives Climate Change?
                                  1. Solar Input
                                    1. The atmospohere
                                      1. The ocean
                                        1. The Water Cycle
                                          1. Clouds
                                            1. Ice and Snow
                                              1. Land Surface
                                                1. Human influences
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