Web 2.0 and other emerging technologies applied to research


Filología Mind Map on Web 2.0 and other emerging technologies applied to research, created by patricia sarria on 28/11/2016.
patricia sarria
Mind Map by patricia sarria, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Sonia Martín
Created by Sonia Martín about 8 years ago
patricia sarria
Copied by patricia sarria about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Web 2.0 and other emerging technologies applied to research
  1. Visualization of information
    1. CONCEPT MAP (top-down diagram)
      1. CMAP TOOLS (cmap server)
          1. MINDMAP (hierarchical)
            1. FREEMIND, fewer functions, no synchronisation with tablets
              1. GOCONQUR
                1. MIND MANAGER (Mindjet)
                  1. VISUAL THESAURUS
                2. Applications to improve research (collect data)
                  1. Qualitative research
                    1. Qualitative research software for obtaining data
                      1. Designing questionnaires
                        1. LikerScale
                          1. Google Forms
                            1. SurveyMonkey, Zoomerang, Frontpage, Dreamweaver
                            2. Interviews
                              1. Recording
                                1. Audacity
                                  1. Soundbooth
                                  2. Transcribe
                                    1. Transana
                                  3. Observation
                                    1. Evernote, Google Notes, OneNote
                                  4. Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS)
                                    1. NVivo
                                      1. Atlas.li
                                        1. Digital Replay System
                                      2. Quantitative research
                                        1. Quantitative research software for obtaining data
                                          1. Corpora tools
                                            1. WordSmith Tools
                                              1. 3 elements: concord, keyword, frequency
                                              2. close-ended questionnaires
                                              3. Quantitative research software for managing data
                                                1. SPSS
                                                  1. PSPP
                                                    1. MATLAB
                                                      1. R
                                                        1. excel
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