
Mind Map on Untitled, created by Cristina Martinez Moriana on 14/12/2016.
Cristina Martinez Moriana
Mind Map by Cristina Martinez Moriana, updated more than 1 year ago
Cristina Martinez Moriana
Created by Cristina Martinez Moriana almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Introduce el texto aquí
  1. Grano
    1. Whisky
      1. Ginebra
        1. Gin
          1. London DRY
              1. Old Tom
              2. Genever
              3. Vodka
                1. Polaco
                  1. Ruso
                2. Destilados de uva
                  1. Cognac
                    1. Pisto
                      1. Brandy
                        1. Armagnac
                        2. Azúcares
                          1. Ron
                            1. Procedéncia
                              1. Industrial
                                1. Especiados
                                2. Agricola
                                3. Añejamiento
                                  1. Especiados
                                4. Cachaça
                                5. Destilados de residuos de uva
                                  1. Ourujo
                                    1. Grappa
                                      1. Bagaçeira
                                        1. Marc
                                          1. Champán
                                            1. Cava
                                          2. Vegetales
                                            1. Tequila
                                              1. Mezcal
                                                1. Vodka (PAPA)
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