Convergence´s fundamental question


Mind Map on Convergence´s fundamental question, created by lorena fadul on 04/02/2017.
lorena fadul
Mind Map by lorena fadul, updated more than 1 year ago
lorena fadul
Created by lorena fadul over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Convergence´s fundamental question
  1. What is convergence ?
    1. tactical convergence
      1. partnerships between medias
      2. Structural convergence
        1. re-organize with new positions related to news gathering
        2. Information-gathering convergence
          1. when it require reporters multi-skilled
          2. Storytelling convergence
            1. innovative ways to tell the story
            2. Gordon´s categorices
              1. Competing models
                1. The business ideal
                  1. used to increase productivity , a way to market other members of the group cheaply.
                    1. "co-opertition", this concept refers to the new form of business where the organizations that were competitors enter to work together
                  2. the journalistic ideal
                    1. this idea is focused on the new multiple-platforms that exists to present the information
                      1. As a consequence journalists need to be flexible mindset and have the ability to adapt to the change
                  3. Definitions
                    1. A place to protect their place in the market
                      1. A chance to deliver news and information in a new and different way
                        1. To expand the franchise
                          1. Paul Horrocks: Is about survival
                            1. Michael Aeria: an opportunity for his company to re-purpose its content for multiple products to reach audiences
                              1. Kerry Northrup : is a growth strategy instead of a saving strategy.
                                1. Driving converge: the changing attitudes and lifestyles of new consumers
                    2. A dichotomy
                      1. For journalists convergence offers a chance to do better their job by giving reporters the tools to tell stories in the most appropriate medium
                        1. Editorial managers perceived that converged means more news for the same little money
                      2. What is driving convergence?
                        1. barriers to convergence
                          1. Professor James Gentry proposed
                            1. easy convergence
                              1. same owner
                                1. flexible culture
                              2. difficult convergence
                                1. different owners
                                  1. different cultures
                            2. evolution of convergence around the world
                              1. media companies started to be multi-media organizations
                                1. 73% of the members of the world association news papers have reported some form of convergence on their companies.
                              2. key factors related to convergence
                                1. there are some facts necessary for having a good multi-media environment in the companies that are having convergence.
                                  1. the journalist attitude
                                    1. the editorial manager needs to be a leader in the change
                                      1. cultural factors on the people working there
                                        1. having many people with different skills on the same place can be difficult
                                          1. journalists need training for the use of the new technology tools
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