the international econmy


industrial revolution
lau ovar
Mind Map by lau ovar, updated more than 1 year ago
lau ovar
Created by lau ovar over 7 years ago

Resource summary

the international econmy
  1. Began in Britain
    1. And spread to Europe and USA
    2. Industrialization
      1. Textil production expanded
        1. Agriculture Raw Material dominated the exchange
          1. Wood Machinery
          2. Innovation
            1. multiplied
              1. important
                1. And New goods
                  1. Cheaper
              2. Steam: source of power
              3. The man, the food and the tecnology
                1. people
                  1. Demand Food
                    1. New Markets
                      1. Obtained Knowledge
                2. The international economy, 1820-1913
                  1. Technical progress: Transport and communications
                    1. STEAM TO LAND
                      1. Railway
                        1. Built in:
                          1. Britain
                            1. United States
                              1. Europe
                                1. world
                            2. SEA TRANSPORT
                              1. Steamship
                                1. Efficent coaling stations
                                  1. Compound engine reduced coal consumption
                                  2. Iron
                                    1. steel
                                      1. 1880
                                        1. increase the carrying capacity
                                          1. Lowering of transport cost
                                            1. Foreing goods were lower in pricce relative to domestic produstion
                                      2. DEVELOPMENTS
                                        1. Growth of merchant fleets
                                          1. Acompanied by
                                            1. Harbour improvements
                                          2. Building of:
                                            1. Docks
                                              1. Warehouses
                                              2. Methods for rapid handling of cargoes
                                            2. Sailing-ship
                                            3. Comunication
                                              1. Telegraph system
                                                1. And the thelephones
                                                  1. 1876
                                              2. Significance for the future
                                                1. aviation
                                              3. THE ACCUMULATION OF CAPITAL
                                                1. THE GROWTH OF WORLD POPULATION
                                                  1. THE SUPPLY OF NATURAL RESOURCES
                                                    1. EUROP
                                                      1. ASIA AND AFRICA
                                                        1. AMERICA AND OCEANIA
                                                        2. THE GROWTH OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE
                                                          1. Period 1820 to 1989
                                                            1. Export world and world producction
                                                            2. After1973
                                                              1. The rate of gwroth of world trade slowed down
                                                              2. Period 1913 to 1950
                                                                1. Worldwars
                                                                  1. World wide depression severely
                                                                2. THE GROWTH OF REAL INCOMES
                                                                  1. THE SPREAD OF ECONOMIC FREEDOM

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