Becoming a Public Speaker- Let's Talk


Characteristic speech
andres mape
Mind Map by andres mape, updated more than 1 year ago
andres mape
Created by andres mape over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Becoming a Public Speaker- Let's Talk
  1. Make us use
    1. Speak Confidence
      1. Helps of professionals
        1. Interpersonal compete
          1. Analitical skills
          2. Study Public Speaking
            1. Giving reasons
              1. Discussions
                1. Specific way
              2. Importance of oral speeches
                1. Writing
                  1. Research
                    1. Analizing
                    2. Become an Inclusive
                      1. How you included the audience
                        1. Public Speaking as a form of communicatio
                          1. gives the public specific informations
                          2. Special Tecniques
                          3. Receiver
                            1. Speaker
                              1. Sharing meaning
                              2. Audience
                                1. Encoding
                                  1. Decoding
                                  2. Source
                                    1. Context
                                      1. Channel
                                        1. Tephone
                                          1. Feedback
                                    2. when you realize your skills
                                      1. Create an speech
                                        1. planning uncover the audience's interests
                                          1. Research a topic
                                            1. To be credible
                                            2. you try to get to his o her interests
                                            3. You speak with more confidence
                                              1. to give a conclusion
                                            4. You use it
                                              1. Every daily conversationn
                                                1. Using
                                                  1. Familiar terms
                                                    1. Traditiona words
                                                    2. Speakers repeat
                                                      1. Words
                                                        1. Phrases
                                                          1. Emphasize ideas
                                                          2. To be more interactive
                                                            1. Inclusive
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