Natural Resources


Mind Map on Natural Resources, created by Evelyn Pacheco on 22/02/2017.
Evelyn Pacheco
Mind Map by Evelyn Pacheco, updated more than 1 year ago
Evelyn Pacheco
Created by Evelyn Pacheco over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Natural Resources
  1. A natural resource is a good or service provided by nature without alterations by the human being
    1. Natural resources are classified as renewable and non-renewable
      1. Renewable resources are resources with regeneration cycles above their extraction level
        1. Non-renewable resources are natural resources that can not be produced, cultivated, regenerated or reused
        2. They occur naturally, which means that humans can not make natural resources
          1. We humans are digging natural resources
            1. The main non-renewable natural resources are: the minerals the metals the oil Natural gas Deposits of groundwater.
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