Learning Strategies


Mind Map on Learning Strategies, created by Viviana Eulloque on 22/02/2017.
Viviana Eulloque
Mind Map by Viviana Eulloque, updated more than 1 year ago
Viviana Eulloque
Created by Viviana Eulloque over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Learning Strategies
  1. metacognitive strategies
    1. organize / plan
      1. manage your own learning
        1. monitor
          1. evaluate
          2. task-based strategies
            1. use what you know
              1. background knowledge
                1. inference
                  1. personalize
                    1. predictions
                      1. transfer
                        1. paraphrase
                        2. use your imagination
                          1. imagery
                            1. real objects / role play
                            2. Use your organizational skills
                              1. find / apply patterns
                                1. group / classify
                                  1. graphic organizers / notes
                                    1. summarize
                                      1. selective attention
                                      2. use of resources
                                        1. access information sources
                                          1. cooperate
                                            1. talk yourself through it
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