Past Progressive


mapas de los enunciados existentes
Evelyn  Aguilar Serrato
Mind Map by Evelyn Aguilar Serrato, updated more than 1 year ago
Evelyn  Aguilar Serrato
Created by Evelyn Aguilar Serrato over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Past Progressive
  1. Fuction
    1. Describes an activity in progress at a particular time in past Describes specific information (from a photo or a picture) in past
    2. Grammar
      1. (+) Sujeto + Verb to be (was/were) + V ing* + Complemento (-) sujeto + Verb to be (was/were) + not contracciones: wasn´t/weren´t+ V ing + complemento
        1. (?) Verb to be (was/were) + sujeto + V ing + complemento + ? Yes, sujeto + Verb to be (was/were) No, sujeto + Verb to be (wasn´t/weren´t)
          1. (?) Qw + verb to be (was/were) + sujeto +V ing + ?
          2. Notes
            1. 1- cuando el verbo termina en consonante "e", se quita esta ultima y se agrga "ing" *argue --> arguing
              1. 2- cuando el vervo es monosilabico y termina es consonante- vocal- consonante se deblotea la ultima consonante y se agrega "ing" *run -->running
                1. 3- cundo el verbo termina en "ie" se eliminan estas y se agrega "ying" *lie --> lying
                2. Examples
                  1. +) I was studying English at 10:00 last night -) I wasn´t studying English at 10:00 last nigth
                    1. ?) Were you studying English at 10:00 last nigth? Yes, I was No, I wasn´t ?) What were you doing at 10:00 last night?
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