

Mind Map on Grammar, created by Rafael Cafolla on 06/05/2014.
Rafael Cafolla
Mind Map by Rafael Cafolla, updated more than 1 year ago
Rafael Cafolla
Created by Rafael Cafolla over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Simple Conditional Would
    1. I would not (wouldn't) like to study
    2. Linking words
      1. Either ... or
        1. Neither ... nor
          1. Both ... and
            1. not only ... but also
            2. Conjunções
              1. Adversativas
                1. Though, But, However, nevertheless - não obstante
                  1. As though = como se
                2. Consecutivas
                  1. so, therefore, thus, consequently, then, hence
                    1. Por isso, portanto, de modo q,
                  2. Concessivas
                    1. in spite of, Although, despite
                      1. Apesar de, Embora
                    2. Conjunções de Acréscimo
                      1. In addition to, besides, moreover, furthermore
                      2. Explicativas
                        1. because, as, since, for
                          1. so long as, provided that
                      3. Speech
                        1. Indirect
                          1. Direct
                          2. Relative Clauses
                            1. Who = Ex: I told you about who lives here.
                              1. Which = Ex: My dog, which is brown, is sleeping.
                                1. Whom - usado para pessoas. Ex: I was invited by the professor whom I met at the conference. (eu fui convidado pelo professor que eu encontrei na conferência.) Note que tem mesma aparência do "who", mas só é usado em casos onde o pronome relativo não define (classifica, identifica) o sujeito/substantivo.
                                  1. That = Ex: I do not like the car that is parked there
                                  2. Active X PAssive
                                    1. Verb Tense
                                      1. Present
                                        1. Simple
                                          1. Continuous
                                            1. Perfect
                                              1. Have + Verb(past)
                                              2. Perfect Continuous
                                                1. have been + Verb(in)
                                                  1. Começou e continua
                                              3. Past
                                                1. Simple and Continuous
                                                  1. Perfect
                                                    1. Had + Verb (Past)
                                                    2. Perfect Continuous
                                                      1. Had been + Verb(ing)
                                                        1. Começou e acabou
                                                    3. Future
                                                      1. IDEM Present
                                                        1. Will have (been)
                                                          1. Going to have (been)
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