Mobius the Stripper I Tutorium Session


Mind Map on Mobius the Stripper I, created by Raquel Báez González on 05/04/2017.
Raquel Báez González
Mind Map by Raquel Báez González, updated more than 1 year ago
Raquel Báez González
Created by Raquel Báez González over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Mobius the Stripper I Tutorium Session
  1. Self-concept
    1. Mobius self-concept vs. postmodernist self-concept
      1. Voices
        1. Language comes before experience (postmodernism)
          1. Nietzsche
            1. "Truth is a mobile army of metaphors [...]"
              1. Reflection of experiences/ there isn't an inherent truth
            2. Freud
              1. Superego: cultural norms - Ego - Id: the subconscious/ desires
                1. The Id is still much more associated to the body/ the desires come from the inside
                  1. Horse Image
                2. Lacan
                  1. The Id functions like a language
                    1. Mirror Stage
                      1. Symbolic order
                        1. Hermeticism of language/ The Symbolic order ccreates the Cultural Imaginary/
                        2. Internalizing the Cultural Imaginary.
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