Informatic security


Mind Map on Informatic security, created by DANIEL VILLADA on 08/04/2017.
Mind Map by DANIEL VILLADA, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by DANIEL VILLADA over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Informatic security
  1. objectives
    1. Work strategy
      1. Precludes access to private service information
      2. Decrease risk
        1. Requires verification of the applicant's information
        2. Protection of infrastructure
          1. What protects?
            1. Files
              1. Software
                1. Data
            2. Methods
              1. Framework
                1. Tool to support the construction and execution of software
                  1. COBIT
                    1. domain
                      1. Planification and organization
                        1. Acquisition
                          1. Delivery
                            1. Monitoring
                            2. User
                              1. IT Managers
                                1. Managerial
                                  1. End Users
                                    1. Auditors
                                    2. Levels of security
                                      1. Maturity Model
                                        1. Indicators of performance
                                          1. Critical factors of success
                                          2. Characteristics
                                            1. Objective control
                                              1. Directed by measurements
                                                1. Process Oriented
                                                  1. Business Oriented
                                                    1. Based on Controls
                                            2. characteristics
                                              1. Confidentiality
                                                1. Use of cryptology
                                                2. Authentication
                                                  1. User verification
                                                  2. I do not repudiate
                                                    1. Message denied
                                                    2. integrity
                                                      1. Adulterated message
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