Plantilla para Presentar Trabajos con Mapas Mentales


Plantilla para Mapas Mentales
Rafael Muñoz Canessa
Mind Map by Rafael Muñoz Canessa, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by linda_riches over 9 years ago
Diego  Santos
Copied by Diego Santos over 9 years ago
Rafael Muñoz Canessa
Copied by Rafael Muñoz Canessa almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Plantilla para Presentar Trabajos con Mapas Mentales


  • Put in here the topic the essay is about
  1. 1. Introducción
    1. 2. Punto Principal


      • What is the first point/theme in your essay?
      1. 3. Punto Principal
        1. 4. Punto Principal
          1. 5. Punto Principal
            1. 6. Conclusión


              • Sum up what you have discussed in the essay - NO NEW IDEAS
              1. 7. Referencias


                • Full list of references Alphabetical order by surname
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