language fuctions


Mind Map on language fuctions, created by Juan Carlos Cabrera on 28/04/2017.
Juan Carlos Cabrera
Mind Map by Juan Carlos Cabrera, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Carlos Cabrera
Created by Juan Carlos Cabrera over 7 years ago

Resource summary

language fuctions
  1. Language functions are greater than the sum of their developmental patterns of language structures.
    1. Semantic relationships
      1. one of the earliest functions of language is to tell others about what the child understands about his or her own relationship to the environment
        1. Problems with acquiring basic semantic relationships
          1. A child who cannot receive the sensory input of spoken patterns and a child who is not able to turn the perceptual patterns into concepts may not develop the concepts easily and therefore will have difficulty acquiring language functions
          2. Extended semantic relationships
            1. baby begins to use these language functions in other ways. The baby grows into a child who is still acquiring a plethora of sensory patterns and is organizing these patterns into lots of meanings
              1. social intentions
                1. when the chield greeting, rejecting, denying, existing, negating, and requesting other people
                2. preparational cognition
                  1. The child is learning more about how to relate to others (social development) as well as about how he or she thinks about play (cognitive development) than the child is learning sentence structures.
              2. expanded language fuctions
                1. probably the most important social and cognitive developments acquired by a child learning to think critically and problem solve
                  1. displacement
                    1. Semanticity
                      1. flexibility
                        1. productivity
                          1. redundancy
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