Process Management


Mind Map on Process Management, created by Esteban Murillo Urrego on 16/05/2014.
Esteban Murillo Urrego
Mind Map by Esteban Murillo Urrego, updated more than 1 year ago
Esteban Murillo Urrego
Created by Esteban Murillo Urrego over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Process Management
  1. Planning
    1. Standards, capacity and projections Number of employees, number machines (physical and human resource)
    2. Programming and control
      1. Projection, critical paths, allocation and forecasting verification of maintenance plans compliance with standards
      2. (ISO) Quality assurance
        1. ISO 9000 ISO 14000 ISO 18000
        2. Logistics
          1. Resource management Suppliers Time of delivery (Lead Time) Assurance and development of providers Inputs Management and inventory control Wineries Routes (fleet) (CEDI) distribution centers International coding (EAN 8,13,14 UCC128)
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