

para competencias
Daniel Ares Balsa
Mind Map by Daniel Ares Balsa, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniel Ares Balsa
Created by Daniel Ares Balsa over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. pure substances
    1. one component
    2. mixtures
      1. two or more components
        1. heterogeneous mixtures
          1. you can see the components clearly
            1. separate mixtures
              1. magnetism
                1. metal objets can separate with magnets
                2. filtration
                  1. by a filter
                  2. decantation
                    1. carefully
                    2. evaporation
                      1. we can separate water from other substance by heating them
                3. homogeneous mixtures
                  1. you can ´t see the components clearly
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