Bilingual education in context, a critical analysis of the dimensions involved in the teaching of English as a second language in a private University In Medellín.


Bilingual education in context, a critical analysis.
angela garcia
Mind Map by angela garcia, updated more than 1 year ago
angela garcia
Created by angela garcia over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Bilingual education in context, a critical analysis of the dimensions involved in the teaching of English as a second language in a private University In Medellín.
  1. Pedagogical Dimension
    1. Pedagogical Practice
      1. Translanguaging
        1. To support explanations, reinforce instructions, Communication of feelings and jokes. Special situations
          1. Translanguaging pedagogies are instructional practices that start by acknowledging the full linguistic repertoire of the learner, while at the same time recognizing the social categories of named languages García, O. (2017).
          2. Technology integrated
            1. Online games, videos, digital resources.
            2. It varies in each teacher according to the teachers' view. It can be student centered or teacher centered. The director of the language center proposes students centered practices but many teachers do not adhere to these practices.
              1. Some teachers don't have pedagogical training for teaching L2. They are Lawyers, mathematicians or communicators with a good level of English
            3. Academic objectives
              1. Academic objectives are Unrealistic. There is little time to achieve the goals. They aren't aligned to the context.
                1. The academic objectives are aligned to language policies. Also they are designed based on the CEFR
                2. Materials used in class
                  1. Learning Platforms Group activities Visual aids
                  2. Task-Based approach
                    1. Alternative assessment
                      1. Holistic view of bilingualism
                  3. Linguistic Dimension
                    1. Proficiency in the use of the language
                      1. Learners have a limited repertoire. Low level of l2 proficiency. Learners have little experience learning L2.
                      2. Use of the language
                        1. The use of L1 is discouraged by the directives
                          1. Translanguaging of bilinguals tends to be severely restricted. In addition, schools confuse the assessment of general linguistic proficiency, which is best manifested in bilinguals while translanguaging, with the testing of proficiency in a named language, which insists on inhibiting translanguaging. Otheguy, R., García, O. & Reid, W. (2015)
                          2. L2 is promoted as the mean of communication
                            1. Some students are afraid of using the language orally
                          3. Cognitive Dimension
                            1. The way language is acquired
                              1. Real-world input
                                1. Virtual lessons and materials.
                                  1. Virtual Learning environment
                                    1. Students do not take advantage of the digital material available
                                      1. The platform is used to store extra study materials, communicate via chat, and to record student attendance and grades.
                                    2. Micro lessons.
                                    3. How the language is used
                                      1. It is used for the development of class tasks
                                        1. The students avoid to use L2 orally
                                      2. The way language is stored in the brain
                                        1. Association between pictures and words Practice of language patters. Memorization of vocabulary
                                      3. Educational
                                        1. General Education Law
                                          1. Linguistic Policies
                                            1. Programa Nacional de Inglés
                                            2. Student regulations
                                              1. Manual de convivencia
                                              2. CEFR-Programa nacional de inglés
                                                1. Curriculum
                                                  1. Direction of the center of languages and culture
                                                    1. Courses design
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