F. Scott Fitzgerald


F. Scott Fitzgerald
Diana Monroy
Mind Map by Diana Monroy, updated more than 1 year ago
Diana Monroy
Created by Diana Monroy over 7 years ago

Resource summary

F. Scott Fitzgerald
  1. Was born
    1. On September 24, 1896
      1. in
        1. St. Paul, Minnesota
    2. Attended a
      1. Catholic prep school in New Jersey in 1911
        1. where he met
          1. Father Sigourney Fay
            1. who encouraged
              1. his dreams of succes
      2. Neglected studies in 1916 to
        1. write scripts and lyrics
          1. for the
            1. college musicals and magazines
        2. In 1917
          1. joined the army
            1. Made his first attempt at a novel
              1. The Romantic Egoist
            2. In 1920
              1. he published "This side of Paradise"
                1. Married Zelda Sayre in New York
                2. In 1925 is published
                  1. The Great Gatsby
                    1. his
                      1. Most important novel
                  2. In 1936 he writes
                    1. The Crack-Up
                    2. In 1938 he works as a
                      1. Freelance scriptwriter
                        1. and
                          1. wrote shot stories
                      2. He died
                        1. of a heart attack
                          1. On
                            1. December 21, 1940
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