mm_#8_Organizational Structure


Functional, Matrix, Projectized
Mind Map by angelesgh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by angelesgh over 10 years ago

Resource summary

mm_#8_Organizational Structure
  1. Funtional


    • Definition Grouped by areas of specialization within diferent function areas
    1. PM make administrative task
      1. Project team members reports to FM
        1. PM assistant FM getting the work done
          1. Likekly to find project expediters
            1. Project work happens in a particular department
            2. Matrix


              • Definition: * Is attempt to maximize the strenghs of both functional and projectized * The team members rports to the 2 bosses the PM and the FM
              1. Weak


                • * PM have some authority but are not charged of resources  * Major decisions still need to be made with the functional manager * Project expediters (no authority) and project coordinators (r a higher level) can work here
                1. Balanced


                  • * PM share authority with FM * People reports to a PM and a FM equal * PM runs people managment decisions by the FM and FM runs his project decisions by the PM too
                  1. Strong


                    • * The team reports to PM and FM but PM have more authority
                  2. Projectized


                    • Definition The entire company is organized by projects and report to PM  Advantages* Efficienttive *Team loyalty to the project* More effective comunication than funcional Disadvantages* No home when the project is complete* Lack of specialization in disciplinas* May result  in less efficient use of resources
                    1. A contractor or consulting company they are organized like this
                      1. The team is released when the project is done
                        1. The entire company is organized by projects and PM is responsable
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