English II


Actividad inical curso de ingles II
Zuleidy Yohana Garcia
Mind Map by Zuleidy Yohana Garcia, updated more than 1 year ago
Zuleidy Yohana Garcia
Created by Zuleidy Yohana Garcia over 7 years ago

Resource summary

English II
  1. Starting Environments
    1. Course Presentation
      1. Activity Schedule
        1. Course Agreements
          1. Informative Forums
            1. Course News
              1. Course General Forum
            2. Knowledge Environment
              1. Learning Program
                1. Syllabus
                2. Documentary Sources
                  1. Unite One: Giving Advice
                    1. Unite Two: Getting a Job
                    2. Course Glosary
                    3. Colaborative Learning Environment
                      1. Teacher's Monitoring
                        1. WebConference Tutorial
                          1. Skype
                            1. General Accompaniment
                            2. Learning Strategy Development
                              1. Forum Activity One
                                1. Forum Activity three
                                  1. Forum Activity Five
                                2. Practice Learning Environment
                                  1. Speaking Guide
                                    1. Guide for the development of the practical component
                                    2. Practice Activities
                                      1. Learning by Interanting
                                    3. Monitoring and Evaluation Environment
                                      1. Evidences of job in the course
                                        1. Initial Evaluation
                                          1. Intermediate Evaluation
                                            1. Final Evaluation
                                          2. Student's Management Environment
                                            1. Academic Managment
                                              1. Saber Pro Icfes
                                                1. Academics News
                                                2. Administrative Managment
                                                  1. Services Unad
                                                    1. Registration and academic control system
                                                      1. Students Networks
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