Modal Verbs


This is a Mind Map of Modal Verbs and their Functions.
Amanda Bouillet
Mind Map by Amanda Bouillet, updated more than 1 year ago
Amanda Bouillet
Created by Amanda Bouillet about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Modal Verbs
  1. Prohibition
      1. Examples: * You MUST NOT park your car here. It is forbidden.
    2. Permission
      1. Asking for Permission
        1. Examples: * Are we ALLOWED TO eat here? * COULD I use your phone, please? * Can I sit here, or is the seat taken?
        2. Giving / Refusing Permission
          1. Examples: * You are ALLOWED TO park here. * You COULD take a day off work. * Yes, you CAN go to that party, if you want.
          2. CAN - COULD - BE ALLOWED TO
          3. Making Requests / Offers
            1. WOULD - COULD - CAN


              • Examples: * Would you like to come to the party with me? * Could you please close the door? * Can you send these letters for me?
              1. Examples: * WOULD you like to come to the party with me? * COULD you please close the door? * CAN you send these letters for me?
            2. Obligation / Necessity
              1. Absence of necessity
                1. Examples: * You DON'T HAVE TO wash the dishes; I'll do it. * You DON'T NEED TO remind me of this, I remember.
                  1. DON'T HAVE TO - DON'T NEED TO
                  2. MUST - HAVE TO - NEED TO
                    1. Examples: * You MUST study harder. * We have to hand in an assignment next Friday. * I need to practice Tenses.
                    2. Ability
                      1. Absence of ability
                        1. CAN'T - COULDN'T - NOT BE ABLE TO
                          1. Examples: * I CAN'T run a marathon, I'm not prepared. * My kids COULDN'T ride bikes when they were little. * She has NOT been ABLE TO walk since the accident.
                          2. CAN - COULD - BE ABLE TO
                            1. Examples: * I CAN row fairly well. * He COULD read at the age of 3. * The team was ABLE TO complete the taks at a record time!
                          3. Giving Advice / Making Suggestions
                            1. SHOULD - SHOULDN'T
                              1. Examples: * You SHOULD see a doctor. * You SHOULDN'T leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
                            2. Possibility
                              1. CAN - MAY - MIGHT
                                1. Examples: * I CAN be hot next week. * I MAY go to Hawaii next summer. * They MIGHT return tomorrow, but I'm not sure.

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