Nouns in Plural


Un breve mapa mental para comprender la organización de los diferentes casos para pluralizar sustantivos en inglés
Adonai Jaimes
Mind Map by Adonai Jaimes, updated more than 1 year ago
Adonai Jaimes
Created by Adonai Jaimes over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Nouns in Plural
  1. Most nouns
    1. Just add "-s" at the end
      1. 1 House - 2 Houses
    2. Nouns ending in: -s, -z, -sh, -ch, -o, -x
      1. Add "-es" at the end
        1. 1 Brush - 2 Brushes
      2. Nouns ending in Consonant + "-y"
        1. Drop the "-y" and add "-ies"
          1. 1 Fairy - 2 Fairies
        2. Irregular plural nouns
          1. They don´t follow any particular rule
            1. 1 Child - 2 Children
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