Market Projection for Small Businesses


Economía Mind Map on Market Projection for Small Businesses, created by Liliana Vásquez on 11/08/2017.
Liliana Vásquez
Mind Map by Liliana Vásquez, updated more than 1 year ago
Liliana Vásquez
Created by Liliana Vásquez about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Market Projection for Small Businesses
  1. 1. Determine Market Size
    1. Markets are so large
      1. Grow so fast
      2. Market is so small
        1. Concentrated in a local area
        2. To calculate the potential consumption within the market
          1. calculating how many units all their customers could purchase in a given year
        3. 2. Determine Current Business Relative to Potential Business
          1. To determining the amount of remaining business
            1. Understanding how much customers could actually purchase within a given year.
          2. 3.Determine Current Market Share
            1. Involves dividing current business by total market size.
              1. To determining market share
                1. There are several sources of information that can be used.
                  1. Trade magazines, industry or market publications, the internet itself and getting the information directly from customers.
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