How to evaluate a 3PL Partner


Mind Map on How to evaluate a 3PL Partner, created by Rodrigo Melchor on 18/08/2017.
Rodrigo Melchor
Mind Map by Rodrigo Melchor, updated more than 1 year ago
Rodrigo Melchor
Created by Rodrigo Melchor about 7 years ago

Resource summary

How to evaluate a 3PL Partner
  1. Importance
    1. A 3PL partner has the capability of improving the Status Quo of a firm
    2. Factors to consider
      1. C.O.R.E.
        1. Control
          1. Optimization
            1. Report
              1. Execution
            2. Control
              1. The customer should give responsibilities to the 3PL without loosing control of the operations
              2. Optimización
                1. 3PL partners should observe the operations carefully in order to improve the daily operations and the Status Quo of the firm
                2. Report
                  1. The 3PL has to report the customer in a clear and concize way
                    1. It is the reponsibility of the 3PL to generate valuable reports and information
                    2. Execution
                      1. It is not enough to perform well, but a 3 PL should strive for continuos improvement
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