Receptive Skills


Mind map to describe the receptive skills
Fer Mejía
Mind Map by Fer Mejía, updated more than 1 year ago
Fer Mejía
Created by Fer Mejía over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Receptive Skills
  1. Subskills
    1. Intensive listening and reading
      1. To understand specific parts of the reading or listening
      2. Listening and reading for detail
        1. Searching for specific information
        2. Interpreting the text or recording
          1. speaker's or writer´s attitude
          2. Listening and reading for gist
            1. Skimming
              1. Is used to identify the main ideas of a text/recording
              2. Searching for general information
            2. Approaches to reading and listening comprehension
              1. Bottom-up
                1. Knowledge of the language system
                  1. Things you are learning
                2. Top down
                  1. Schema background
                    1. Things you have learned before
                    2. SCHEMA THEORY
                      1. Mental representations of the world
                        1. which we use to respond or understand different situatons
                          1. We use them when we need them
                  2. What are the receptive skills?
                    1. Reading
                      1. Listening
                      2. How must the receptive skills be teach?
                        1. With authentic material
                          1. which is not designed to teach a second language
                        2. Intensive Vs Extensive reading and listening
                          1. Reading and listening as much as possible
                            1. For your own pleasure
                              1. At a difficult level for you
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