Impact of Churchill


A-Levels India Mind Map on Impact of Churchill, created by Katie Jordan on 21/05/2013.
Katie Jordan
Mind Map by Katie Jordan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jacksearle over 11 years ago
Tom Lea
Copied by Tom Lea over 11 years ago
Katie Jordan
Copied by Katie Jordan over 11 years ago
Katie Jordan
Copied by Katie Jordan over 11 years ago
Katie Jordan
Copied by Katie Jordan over 11 years ago
Katie Jordan
Copied by Katie Jordan over 11 years ago
Katie Jordan
Copied by Katie Jordan over 11 years ago
Tom Lea
Copied by Tom Lea over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Impact of Churchill
  1. Extreme Imperialist
    1. Very anti-reform, likes the empire as it is
    2. Strong views on race
      1. Sees India as 'Jewel in the crown'
        1. Crown = empire, Jewel= India
          1. Saw India as most important country in the empire
            1. Valued India as he believed that ruling India made the empire look good
        2. Very Patriotic
          1. Conservative
            1. Maverick
              1. Bend the rules
                1. Holds strong opinions
                  1. Different and proud of it
                  2. When he is appointed, SoSI resigns
                    1. SoSI knew his opinions would clash with Churchill's
                      1. No point staying in position, will never be able to negotiate with Churchill
                    2. 1940 Offer
                      1. Offers Indians dominion status after war
                        1. Rejected by Congress - wanted purna swaraj
                          1. Churchill possibly did this on purpose - knew congress would reject it, makes it look like Congress are being awkward whereas Brits are trying to help
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