CH. 6


Mind Map on CH. 6, created by Meri perkins on 29/01/2018.
Meri perkins
Mind Map by Meri perkins, updated more than 1 year ago
Meri perkins
Created by Meri perkins over 6 years ago

Resource summary

CH. 6
  1. 6.1 Area between two curves
    1. Calculate area between two curves
      1. To add tiny rectangles between curves
          1. Where two functions are touching, intersecting.
            1. Given or Found
              1. To find
                1. we can think of area equation as a new function
                  1. h(x)= fsub1(x)- fsub2(x)
                    1. then take integral of this function
                      1. no matter what the "top function" must be fsub1(x)
                    2. only if we want to
              2. Limits are chosen to clearly see bottom being taken away from top function
                1. to make math easier for people
        2. 6.2 Volumes by Slicing, DIsks, Washers
          1. Depending on which axis we rotate, we will find a particular Volume
            1. Idea of Slicing:
              1. Each rotation forms an object
                1. Slice this object into little slivers perpendicular to x or y axis
                  1. Volume by slicing
                    1. V= intregral on a<b of A(x)
                      1. This is the volume of each slice
                        1. Rotate 180 deg. and ^2 our fsub1(x) and fsub2(x)
                          1. If we made an h(x), square it.
                            1. Disk
                              1. when f(x) or g(x) is 0
                                1. When we have a function that is not zero.....
                                  1. Washer Method
          2. 6.3 Volumes by cylindrical Shells
            1. Depends in which axis makes a cylindar.
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