Food Chain - Year 4


One of the most important relationships between living things in an ecosystem involves energy: food chains and food webs.
Salva Miralles
Mind Map by Salva Miralles, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Aranza Michelle Castro Rivero
Created by Aranza Michelle Castro Rivero almost 7 years ago
Salva Miralles
Copied by Salva Miralles over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Food Chain - Year 4
  1. The transfer of food energy between organisms
    1. After that, a herbivore eats the plant and.......
        1. CONSUMER
        2. ...then a carnivore that only eats other animals eats the herbivore
            1. CONSUMER
            2. First a plant that produces energy is eaten by the herbivore
                1. PRODUCER
                2. At last the consumer is eaten by the descomposers that get energy by breaking down the remains of death organisms
                    1. DECOMPOSERS
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