
3rd year IOP3705 Mind Map on ORGAN DEVELOPMENT, created by Miss C.M on 11/07/2013.
Miss C.M
Mind Map by Miss C.M, updated more than 1 year ago
Miss C.M
Created by Miss C.M over 11 years ago

Resource summary

    1. OD is a system-wide process aimed at : (1) enhacing congruence between organl structure. process, strategy, people, and culture (2) developing new & creative organl solutions (3) developing the organ's self-renewing capacity. It occurs thru collaboration of organ members working with a change agent using behavioural science theory, research, and techno
      1. Features of OD: (1)OD applies to change in strategy, structure and process of an entire system, such as an organ (2) OD is based on the application &transfer of behavioural science knowledge and practice (3)OD is concerned with managing planned change (4) OD involves both the creation and reinforcement of change (5) OD is oriented to improving organl effectiveness
        1. Five Stems of OD : (1) Laboratory Training (2) Action Research/Survey Feedback (3) Normative Approaches (4) Quality of Life (5) Strategic Change
          1. Lewin's Change Model Unfreezing. Movement, Refreezing
            1. Action Research Model : Problem Identification, Consulation with a behaviral scientist, Data gathering&preliminary diagnosis. Feedback to cleint, Joint diagnosis, Joint action planning, Action, Data gathering after action
              1. Positive Model : Initiate the inquiry, Inquire into Best Practices, Discover Themes, Envision a Preferred Future, Design & Deliver Ways to Create the Future
                1. General Model of Planned Change : Entering&Contracting, Diagnosing, Planning&Implementing Change, Evaluating& Institutionalising Change
      1. Competences of an OD Prac: Interpersonal skills, Intrapersonal skills, General Consultaion skills, Orga development theory
        1. The Internal OD Prac : Knows the organ processes&polices, Believes in the mission of the organ, There is an understanding of trust, Exposure to many of same people over time
          1. The External OD Prac: Has a variety of work, Has to learn company jargon, Process can be incomplete, Always at risk(economic crisis, budget cuts, organ politics), Variety of task ranging from content expert to process expert to personal coach, Ability to understand the unspoken
            1. Professional Values : Concern for enquiry & science, Democracy & being helpful, Building Trust&collaboration, Creating an open, problem solving climate, Increase self control of organ members
              1. Antecedents : Role of Change Agent -Values, Goals, Needs, Attitudes-Role of Client system: Process-Role Episode-Role Conflict-Role Ambiguity: Ethical Dilemmas- Misrepresentations, Misuse of data, Coercion, Value&Goal Conflict, Technical Ineptness
        1. The Entering Process - Clarifying the Organ Issues
          1. The Entering Process - Determining the Relevant Client
            1. The Entering Process - Selecting an OD Practiotioner
              1. Developing a Contract - Mutual Expectations
                1. Developing a Contract - Commit necessary time and resources
                  1. Developing a Contract - Ground Rules
          1. Diagnosis is the process of understanding a system's current functioning. A road map of how organs function
            1. Need for Diagnostic Models: (1) conceptual frameworks pple use to understand organs (2) describe relations among organ features, context & effectiveness (3)areas to examine in assessing organ features (4)simplifications of reality & choose critical features
              1. Open System Model : Inputs, Transformation, Outputs, Boundaries, Feedback, Equifinality, Alignment
                1. Properties of Systems
                  1. Organ-Level Diagnostic Model: Inputs-General Environ, Industry structure, Componets-HR systems, Measurement Systems, Organ culture, strategy, structure, technology, Outputs -Organ performance, productivity, stakeholder satisfaction
                    1. Group-Level Diagnostic Model: Inputs-Organ Design, Components-goal clarity, task structure, task functioning, group composition, performance norms, Outputs- Team effectiveness, quality of life
                      1. Individual-Level Diagnostic Model : Inputs-Organ design, group design, personal characteristics, Components-skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, results feedback
            1. Data Collection -Feedback Cycle: planning to collect, collecting data, analysing data, feed backing data, following up
              1. Questionnaires : Advantages - responses can be quantified &summarised, easy to use with large samples. relatively inexpensive, can obtain large volumes of data ..Problems- little opportunity for empathy. predetermined questions--no chance to change, over interpretation of data, response bias
                1. Interviews : Advantages : adaptive--allows customization, source of rich data, empathic, process builds rapport with subject....Problems: relatively expensive, bias in interviewer responses, coding and interpretation difficulties, self report bias
                  1. Observations : Advantages -Collects data on current behaviour rather than reported behaviour, realtime, not retrospective, adaptive....Problems- coding &interpretation difficulties, sampling inconsistencies, observer bias &questionable reliability, can be expensive
                    1. Unobtrusive measures : Advantages -Non-reactive, no response bias, high face validity, easily quantified...Problems: access and retrieval difficulties, validity concerns, coding &interpretation difficulties
                      1. Content Analysis : (a) Responses to a particular que are read to determine whether answers are occurring multiple times (a) Themes are generated that capturing comments (c) Respondents' answer are placed into one of categories
                        1. Force-field Analysis : organises info into categories -Forces for change and forces resisting change. Rank the order of the different forces
                          1. Descriptive Statistics : Mean represents the respondents average score. Standard deviation refers to the spread or variability of the responses
                            1. Correlation & scattergram: indicates the strength of a relationship btwn 2 variables
                              1. Difference Test : Determine whether 2 samples are significantly different from each other
              1. Content of Feedback: Relevant-Info should be meaningful. Understandable-present data in a form that is readily interpreted
                1. Content of Feedback :Descriptive-use detailed examples &illustrations. Verifiable- data should be valid &accurate
                  1. Content of Feedback- Timely: Data should be fed back as quickly as possible. Limited- should be limited to what employees can realistically process at 1 time
                    1. Content of Feedback : Significant- should be limited to solvable problems. Comparative- data from other groups should be provided. Unfinalised-use data as a starting point for more in depth discussion
                      1. Effective Feedback Processes ; Motivation to work with the data, Structure feedback meetings, Appropriate attendance, Appropriate power, Process help
                1. Definition of Intervention : An intervention is a set of sequenced and planned actions or events intented to help the organ increase its effectiveness
                  1. Characteristics of Effective Interventions : based on valid info about the organ's functioning. based on knowledge of outcomes. based on the extent to which it enhances the organ's capacity to manage change
                    1. Design of Effective Interventions: Contigencies related to change situation : readiness for change, capacity to change, cultural context, capabilities of the change agent. Contigencies related to target of change: strategic, technology&structural, human resources, human process
                      1. Human Process Interventions: Deals with social process such as communication, decision making, leadership&group dynamics :coaching, training&develop, process consultation, team building, 3rd party intervention-conflict resolution, organisation confrontation meeting, intergroup relationships, large-group interventions
                        1. Techno-structural Interventions : concerned with the division of work into departments&coordination among those departments. concerned with the method to deliver products and how to link people with tasks..structural design, downsizing, reengineering, employee involvement, work design
                          1. HR Management Interventions : Concerned with attracting competent people, setting goals for them, appraising and rewarding their performance, developing their career and managing stress. Goal setting, performance appraisal, reward systems, career planning &develop, managing diversity, employee stress & wellness
                            1. Strategic Interventions : Concerned with what products/services to prove, how to relate to the environments, how to transform themselves to keep pace with changing conditions..Intergrated strategic change, mergers and aquisitions, alliances and networks, culture change, self designing, organ learning
                2. LEADING & MANAGING CHANGE
                  1. Change Management Activities
                    1. Motivating Change: (1)Creating readiness for change (2) overcoming resistance to change
                      1. Creating Vision : (1) Describing the core ideology (2)constructing the envisioned future
                        1. Developing Political Support : (1) Assessing change agent power (2) Identifying key stakeholders (3) influencing stakeholders
                          1. Managing the Transition : (1) Activity Planning (2) Commitment planning (3) Management structures
                            1. Sustaining Momentum : (1) Providing Resources for change (2) Building a support system for change agents (3) Developing New Competencies and Skills (4) Reinforcing New behaviours (5) Staying the course
                    1. Process Consultation
                      1. Group Process
                        1. Basic Process Interventions -Individual
                          1. Basic Process Intervention -Group
                            1. Team Building
                              1. Team Building Activities
                                1. Manager's Role
                                  1. Results of Team Building
                      1. (1)Change is Triggered by Environ&Internal disruptions (2)Change Is Aimed at Competitive Advantage
                        1. (3) Change is Systematic &Revolutionary (4)Change demands a new Organising paradigm
                          1. (5) Change is driven by senior executives & line management (6)Change involves Significant learning
                            1. Intergrated Strategic change Process
                              1. Organ Design Conceptual Framework
                                1. Levels of Coporate Culture
                                  1. Designing Organ Culture : Behavioral Approach
                                    1. Designing Organ Culture :Competing Values Approach
                                      1. Designing Organ Culture : Assumptions Approach
                                        1. Guidelines for Cultural change : Formulate clear vision (2)Display Top management commitment (3)\Model culture change at highest level (4)Modify organ to support organ change (5)select &socialise newcomers & terminate deviants (6)model legal &ethical sensitivity
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