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Diary of a wimpy kid
This is the summary from the book "Diary of a wimpy kid" until the page 20
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jeff kiney
wimpy kid
mind map
diary of a wimpy kid
mind maps
Mind Map by
Mancy Alejandra Perez Arango
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Mancy Alejandra Perez Arango
over 6 years ago
Resource summary
Diary of a wimpy kid
That is the Greg's history and his life
The history start when...
Greg's mom bought a journal
He did a deal with her mother and it is write a bit every day
He clarified that isn't a journal, he says it is a book
This is the history until page 30
Do you want read the history? This is the link:
Writer: Jeff Kiney
He wants...
He wants to be a famous and rich person
He will answer stupid people differents questions every day
First day in his school:
He started seventh grade
The girls think he is goober
He lise to differents teachers
A teacher says he will sitting next to his desk
He is in the middle of Morons
September 8th
His brother Rodrick woke up Greg
His father found Greg woke up in the kitchen
His father thinks Greg is a liser
He sayed that happened
September 9th
His little brother drew in his door
Before Rodrick forced to cell Greg type of chocolate
Now Rodreick forced Manny to cell his chocolate
The worst thing about Manny is when try called him, he says Bubby
And his fathers don't say nothing
In his birthday, he says "bubby" in front of his friends
A boy has in the fingers cheese
Start to run behind Greg and others children
Father's Greg
Help to clean Greg room
He doesn't clean Rodrick room
He hates the teenager Lenwood
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