The Black Death


The Black Death mindmap
Mind Map by dgurung4, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dgurung4 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Black Death
  1. First arrived in Britain in 1348
    1. Symptoms
      1. Buboes
        1. Bursting buboes
        2. Fever and vomiting
          1. Black bruises
            1. Headaches
              1. DEATH
                1. Appeared in rapid succession
                2. Two Types
                  1. Pneumonic
                    1. Spread by sneezing and coughing
                    2. Bubonic
                      1. Spread by flea bites
                    3. Effects
                      1. Devastating
                        1. Between a third and a half of the population of Britain died
                          1. Sometimes whole villages were wiped out
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