
Mind Map on ADJECTIVES, created by Yesenia Torres on 02/09/2019.
Yesenia Torres
Mind Map by Yesenia Torres, updated more than 1 year ago
Yesenia Torres
Created by Yesenia Torres over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Can modify
    1. NOUNS
      1. PRONOUNS
      2. NOSASCOMP
        1. OPINION
          1. SIZE
            1. AGE
              1. SHAPE
                1. COLOR
                  1. NUMBER
                    1. ORIGIN
                      1. MATERIAL
                        1. PURPOSE
                        2. FUNCTION
                          1. ATTRIBUTIVE
                            1. PREDICATIVE
                              1. POSTPOSITIVE
                              2. DETERMINERS
                                1. ARTICLES
                                  1. pOSSESSIVES
                                    1. DEMONSTRATIVE
                                      1. ORDINAL NUMBERS
                                        1. CARDINAL NUMBERS
                                        2. THEY ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS
                                          1. WHICH?
                                            1. WHAT KIND?
                                              1. HOW MANY? / HOW MUCH?
                                                1. WHOSE?
                                                2. ADJECTIVES FORMED FROM
                                                  1. VERBS
                                                    1. SUFFIXES
                                                    2. NOUNS
                                                    3. DEGREE
                                                      1. COMPARATIVE
                                                        1. SUPERLATIVE
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