Presentaciones en Inglés


¿Tienes dificultades para realizar presentaciones en inglés? Encuentra algunas expresiones y frases comunes en este mapa mental
Diego  Santos
Mind Map by Diego Santos, updated more than 1 year ago
Diego  Santos
Created by Diego Santos over 11 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (52)

Resource summary

Presentaciones en Inglés
  1. Empezando
    1. La Presentación
      1. Good morning and welcome to ...
        1. Thank you all very much for coming today.
        2. Una nueva sección
          1. Now, let’s take a look at … .
            1. Moving on to the next part, I’d like to … .
              1. Now I’d like to move on to … .
            2. Presentaciones
              1. Presentándote
                1. My name is X and I am responsible for …
                  1. Let me introduce myself; my name is X and I am responsible for …
                  2. Presentando el tema
                    1. The purpose of today’s presentation is to...
                      1. In today’s presentation I’d like to … show you … . / explain to you how … .
                        1. In today’s presentation I’m hoping to … give you an update on… . / give you an overview of … .
                          1. In today’s presentation I’m hoping to cover three points: firstly, … , after that we will look at … , and finally I’ll … .
                        2. Turno de Preguntas
                          1. If you have any questions you’d like to ask, please leave them until the end, when I’ll be happy to answer them.
                            1. If anyone has any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.
                              1. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask them now.
                                1. I’ll / We’ll come back to that question later in my presentation.
                                  1. I’ll / We’ll look at that point in more detail later on.
                                  2. Acabando la presentación
                                    1. Thank you for your attention
                                      1. That brings the presentation to an end.
                                        1. I’d like to thank you (all) for your attention and interest.
                                          1. Finally, I’d like to end by thanking you (all) for coming today.
                                          2. Referirte a un punto anterior
                                            1. As I mentioned earlier … .
                                              1. As we saw earlier … .
                                                1. You may recall that I explained … .
                                                2. Resumiendo
                                                  1. I think that just about covers … .
                                                    1. That’s an overview of … . Now, just to summarise, let’s quickly look at the main points again.
                                                      1. That brings us to the end of the final section. Now, if I can just summarise the main points again.
                                                        1. That concludes my presentation. Now, if I can just summarise the main points.
                                                        2. Bonus: Palabras Clave
                                                          1. I’ll outline
                                                            1. here we can see
                                                              1. to illustrate this point
                                                                1. to illustrate this point
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                                                                almost 2 years ago
                                                                Ok, muy util, como guia gracias
                                                                over 3 years ago
                                                                Me gusto mucho y me ha servido de mucha ayuda para crear uno para mi.
                                                                over 8 years ago
                                                                Excelente trabajo me ha servido de mucho. Gracias
                                                                almost 9 years ago
                                                                Pensé que era para presentarte en el examen de inglés del B1 pero está muy bien.
                                                                over 11 years ago
                                                                Buenísimo , muy útil!


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