Structured Query Language (SQL)


Mindmap to support Step 1.6 of the EPQ MOOC
Nathaniel Burke
Mind Map by Nathaniel Burke, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
TEL Bath
Created by TEL Bath over 7 years ago
Nathaniel Burke
Copied by Nathaniel Burke over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Structured Query Language (SQL)
  1. "SELECT" and "WHERE" Clauses
    1. A SELECT clause is used to retrieve data from a database. To create a SELECT clause, the syntax is: SELECT [Column 1 Name, Column 2 Name etc...] FROM [Table Name]. Instead of specifying each column, "*" can also be used as a wildcard to retrieve data from every column in that table.
      1. A WHERE clause is used to filter which pieces of data another SQL clause affects. For example, it can be used in conjunction with a WHERE clause to specify that you only want to retrieve specific data. The syntax is [First Statement] WHERE [Predicate].
      2. Editing Databases
        1. Databases can be edited with INSERT INTO, UPDATE and DELETE clauses.
          1. An INSERT INTO clause is used to add new records to the database. You can either specify the columns you are adding data to in parenthesis if you only want to add data to specific columns or you can make sure the values are in the same order as the columns on the table and not specify the columns in the statement.
            1. Any fields you do not specify data for will be given the NULL data type.
            2. An UPDATE clause is used to edit the values of fields in a database. It takes the form of UPDATE [Table Name] SET [Column 1 Name] = [Value 1], [Column 2 Name] = [Value 2] etc... Without a WHERE clause, it will update all records in the table.
              1. A DELETE clause allows you to remove records from a table. The syntax is DELETE FROM [Table Name]. Without a WHERE clause, it will delete all the records in the specified table.
            3. Syntax
              1. The syntax of SQL is is very logical and close to English, making it intuitive to understand.
                1. SQL commands can be broken up into clauses/statements and predicates and expressions.
                  1. For example, in the command "SELECT * FROM People WHERE Name = ‘John’", both "SELECT * FROM People" and "WHERE Name='John'" are clauses/statements, "Name='John'" is a predicate and "'John'" is an expression.
              2. Data Types
                1. Data types specify the type of data that is contained in the fields in a given column.
                  1. More basic SQL languages such as SQLite have a relatively limited amount of available data types such as integer (whole number), text/string, real (decimal number) and NULL (a data-type representing the absence of data.
                    1. More complex SQL languages such as MySQL or SQL Server might also include data types for representing dates or images.
                  2. Joining Data from Multiple Tables
                    1. Related records from multiple tables found with foreign keys can be joined so commands can be carried out using data from both of them with a JOIN clause.
                      1. An INNER JOIN clause retrieves all the records with matching values in both tables.
                        1. A LEFT JOIN clause retrieves all the records from the first table specified and any matching records in the second.
                          1. A RIGHT JOIN clause retrieves all the records from the second table specified and any matching records in the first.
                            1. An FULL/OUTER JOIN clause retrieves all the records in both tables regardless of if there is a match.
                          2. "ORDER BY" Clause and "BETWEEN"
                            1. An ORDER BY clause can be used with a SELECT statement to describe which columns the resulting data should be ordered by. For text/string data types this will be in alphabetical order while for numerical data types it will be in order of size.
                              1. ASC and DESC can be added after each column name in an ORDER BY clause to specify if the order is ascending or descendinging.
                              2. BETWEEN can be used as a PREDICATE with a WHERE clause to specify only to get records in a certain range. The syntax is WHERE [Column Name] BETWEEN [Value 1] AND [VALUE 2]
                              3. Predicates and Boolean Operators
                                1. Predicates are conditions that you can test for a piece of data. They are often used in a WHERE clause to specify data that obeys the predicate.
                                  1. The most simple type of predicate is testing if a record's field is equal to the value specified. The syntax for this is simply [Column Name] = [Value]
                                    1. Another type of predicate created by using "LIKE". This allows you to only specify data that fits specific patterns. "%" is used to represent zero, one or multiple characters and "_" is used to represent a single character. The syntax is [Column Name] LIKE [String goes here. For example "A%" would make the predicate true for any fields that begin with the letter "A"].
                                      1. For the NULL data type, you have to use IS NULL instead of = "NULL" as NULL data types have no value associated with them.
                                      2. Boolean operators such as AND, OR and NOT can be used to combine predicates in a single WHERE clause. They act like their associated logic gates with a true predicate being binary 1 and a false predicate being binary 0.
                                        1. Brackets can be used to specify which parts of a large group of predicates and boolean operators are looked at first
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