A critical understanding of policy practice and service


exam revision
Mind Map by ibiorban, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ibiorban over 9 years ago

Resource summary

A critical understanding of policy practice and service
  1. Changing concepts of what childhood means
    1. The end of childhood
      1. Ideas about childhood:-17th century's apprentinceship, 18th c's enlightment fundamental innocence, children seen as people in their own right, 19th c.protection,learner, 20th c.future prosperity and wellbeing of nations
        1. photographs reflects changes in social attitudes
      2. Social constructionism: knowledge and culture (such as what is the difference between childhood and adulthood) is produced through language and discourse
        1. Language and discourse vary across time and space:So ideas about childhood as distinct from adulthood are not fixed
          1. the language we use actively constructs and produces the social world in which we live.
            1. gender,skin tone, ethnicity,age
              1. can attain a taken for granted status, reinforced by that eras legislation and policy, prevailing cultural values and societal expectations of men and women, children and adults
              2. transition to adulthood
                1. often marked by physiological changes,
            2. several dominant constructions of children and young people in which they are seen as apprentices, separate from adults, innocent and in need of protection but as part of 'our future'.
              1. The way in which we see and understand children and young people has an impact on how we treat them, care for them and work with them
              2. meanings and identities are co-constructed in culturally diverse societies
              3. Social ecological theory :Brofennbrenner
              4. families have changed and continue to change
                1. Ronaldo, nuclear family, extended family, same gender families
                  1. ideas about mothers’ and fathers’ roles have differed
                    1. quality of parenting
                      1. Supporting parenting
                        1. respond to diversity in parenting within practice and assessment
                      2. Changes in the economy, and society more generally, have accompanied significant changes in family life through the twentieth and into the twenty-first century
                        1. working mothers, better education, higher incomes
                        2. families are seen as fundamental to a society, and families are therefore a focus of public concern and social policy
                          1. it isn’t necessarily what a family looks like but what happens within
                            1. biological or genetic ties are often seen to be important have a powerful impact on how children, young people and adults perceive their families
                              1. give us a sense of belonging to a place and continuity with the past.
                                1. Understanding the importance of ‘roots’ to identity is important in working with children and young people who feel dislocated from their family and its history
                              2. Young carers:children and young people [under 18] who provide or intend to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis
                                1. can be reluctant to disclose their situation
                                2. family form does not necessarily determine whether a family is a safe or a hazardous space for children
                                  1. working with the whole family, particularly the parents, is a crucial part of caring for children and young people
                                    1. important that practitioners are able to assess families where there are difficulties and respond appropriately
                                    2. The surveillance of children, young people and families
                                      1. not power neutral
                                        1. children and young people are monitored in relation to their general development, their behaviour and activities, their health status and their educational attainment
                                          1. early (possibly even antenatal) intervention
                                            1. when practitioners can intervene in families lives, and the duties that they owe
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