Triangular cooperation


Mapa conceptual sobre actores y tipos de cooperacion triangular
marcelo florez
Mind Map by marcelo florez, updated more than 1 year ago
marcelo florez
Created by marcelo florez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Triangular cooperation
  1. Involved in triangular cooperation
    1. Governments
      1. providers of development cooperation.
        1. pivot country
          1. International Organizations
            1. Nom-Governmental actors.
              1. Private sector
                1. civil society
              2. Provide forms of cooperation.
                1. bilateral cooperation betweena supplier of development cooperation and a beneficiary country as a starting point.
                  1. bilateral cooperation between a supplier of development and the country as a starting point pivot.
                    1. a triangular agreement as a starting point.
                      1. South-South cooperation.
                      2. Sectors in which the triangular cooperations runs
                        1. agriculture, education, employment, power, environment, fishing, food security, the health, the water, sanitation.
                          1. countries where conflict or frigile situation undergoes.
                            1. security management and the risk
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