Suit against firm in charge of fire hoses dismissed


Mind Map by NJingT, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jasmine-goh over 9 years ago
Copied by NJingT over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Suit against firm in charge of fire hoses dismissed
  1. ‘Even if Rhythme had breached its duty of care, the fire was caused by large combustible materials stacked by Union outside its warehouse, which posed a high fire risk’.
    1. Defences of Negligence - Contributory Negligence
      1. Partial defence: D partially liable for damage or injury caused to the plaintiff if D prove P contributes to his/her own injuries by failing to take reasonable care for his/her own safety & this failure caused damage suffered.
        1. P partly to blame for causing the damage by refusing to take reasonable care for its own safety, which caused the damage.
    2. "But a judge has ruled that the inferno had blazed so out of control that even if nearby hose reels were working, it would not have made a difference."
      1. Law of Torts - Negligence - Damage caused - The ' But For' test
        1. ‘Would the damage have happened but for the defendant’s negligence?
          1. Fire would have caused damages to P even if hose reel was in working condition as the flame was proven to have gone out of control too quickly even with a working hose reel, the fire would not be put out or be brought under control.
            1. P’s property would have been damaged even without the D's breach of duty.
      2. Duty of Care (DOC)
        1. D (Rhythme Technology) owed the public a DOC, (Foreseeability)
          1. D could foresee that the public would rely on the hose in case of emergencies and if the hose is not well maintained, the result will be disastrous or life threatening.
        2. Breach of Duty of Care - Standard of Care
          1. The appropriate standard of care that the law should impose on a fire hose company is to provide checks on a regular basis.
            1. Though D owed the public a duty of care, they did not breach that duty.
              1. “Rhythme's lawyer R. Nandakumar countered that its staff had conducted a physical test on the hose reel nearest to Union's premises in September 2009, and found the various components of the system were in order. The results had been recorded. “
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