
Mind Map on MASS TOURISM, created by Jordan Childs on 05/11/2013.
Jordan Childs
Mind Map by Jordan Childs, updated more than 1 year ago
Jordan Childs
Created by Jordan Childs almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. NEGS.
      1. alot of money goes to large travel companies overseas
      2. SOCIAL


        • khgodhogkjdsdp
        1. increase in crime
          1. prostitution
            1. theft
            2. higher paid jobs go to non-local people
              1. road conjestion for locals
              2. ENVIRONMENTAL
                1. litter
                  1. destruction of wild habitat
                    1. green house gases
                      1. travelling to that area
                        1. building/developing that area
                    2. POS.
                      1. SOCIAL
                        1. MORE JOBS
                          1. local young people are more likely to stay in that are
                          2. IMPROVED INFRUSTRUCTURE
                            1. new roads, hospitals, airports railroad etc.
                          3. ECONOMIC
                            1. money for local economy
                              1. jobs for local people
                                1. farmers
                                  1. hotel/leisure staff
                                    1. builders
                                  2. ENVIRONMENTAL
                                    1. profit used to preserve habitats
                                  3. KENYA
                                    1. WHY PEOPLE GO TO KENYA
                                      1. interesting tribal culure
                                        1. weather (HOT)
                                          1. physical geography
                                            1. savahanas
                                              1. mountains
                                                1. forests
                                                  1. beaches
                                                2. POS.
                                                  1. Economic
                                                    1. toursim contributes 15% to the country gross national profit
                                                      1. 219,000 people work in tourism industry (2003)
                                                      2. Environmental
                                                        1. 23 national parks in kenya
                                                          1. money earned from tourists visiting the parks goes toward park maintenance and protecting the parks wildlife
                                                        2. Social
                                                          1. culture preserved, native tribes perform traditional ceremonies for tourists
                                                        3. NEG.
                                                          1. Economic
                                                            1. only 15% of profits go to local people
                                                            2. Enviromental
                                                              1. some native people were forced of their land, to create a national park
                                                                1. some muslims, who live in kenya, were offended by how tourists dressed
                                                                2. Social
                                                                  1. safari vehicles have destroyed vegetation and caused soil erosion
                                                                    1. wild animals affected, cheetahs have changed hunting behaviour to avoid tourists
                                                                      1. coral reef damaged by boats anchoring
                                                                    2. reduce impact of tourism
                                                                      1. walking or horse back riding tours, to preserve vegetation
                                                                        1. activities other than safaris are being encouraged, that are less damaging to the enviroment
                                                                          1. climbing
                                                                            1. white water rafting
                                                                          2. MAINTAINING TOURISM
                                                                            1. advetrising campaign in russia
                                                                              1. building two new air strips, more accessible to tourists
                                                                                1. improving infrastructure, e.g. roads bridges etc.
                                                                                  1. Visa cut by 50%in 2009, to make it cheaper to visit
                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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